



Integrated Science (F.1-2) curriculum adopts a thematic approach to provide broad and balanced learning experiences for students to extend their learning of the science elements in General Studies at primary level. The curriculum is designed for the development of scientific literacy, the associated science process skills, together with the awareness of the impact that science has on our lives and environment for students at junior secondary level. This helps students to deal with the opportunities and challenges in a wide variety of personal and social contexts in such an era of rapid scientific and technological change.



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Curriculum Aims

The Integrated Science (F.1-2) curriculum provides science-related learning experiences that develop students’ interest in science and lay a foundation for their studies of various science curricula at the senior secondary level. It also focuses on the development of scientific literacy for living in and contributing towards a scientific and technological world. 


The broad aims of the Integrated Science (F.1-2) curriculum are to enable students to: 

  • develop curiosity and interest in science;

  • acquire fundamental scientific knowledge and skills, and appreciate the relationship between science and other disciplines; 

  • develop the ability to make scientific investigation and solve problems; 

  • use the language of science to communicate science-related ideas; 

  • develop a basic understanding of the nature of science; develop the ability to integrate and apply scientific knowledge and skills with other related disciplines; 

  • recognise the social, ethical, economic, environmental and technological implications of science, and develop an attitude of responsible citizenship and a commitment to promote personal and community health; 

  • be prepared for further studies in STEM-related disciplines; and 

  • become lifelong learners in science for personal development.


Curriculum Structure and Organisation:

The Integrated Science (F.1-2) curriculum is designed to ensure continuity and progression of science education across primary and senior secondary levels. The curriculum framework comprises three interconnected components: Learning Targets, Curriculum Emphases, and the Units for the curriculum. The following figure represents the relationships between the various components.

 Diagrammatic Representation of the Integrated Science Curriculum Framework


Subject Weighting and Allocation of Marks to the Year Result:
Mark Allocation
·         Assignments & Reading Reports* (20)
·         Project (20)
·         Practical Examination (50)
·         Unit Tests/Quiz (60)
* bonus for voluntary submission (5 @; max 10)
1st Exam (70 minutes)
·         120  
Common Test (35 minutes)
·         Common Test (60)
2nd Exam (P1 1 hr; P2 30 minutes)
·         paper 1 (written 90) paper 2 (whole year curriculum; 40 MC Questions - 60)

