Kick-off Ceremony for Mentoring Program

Date: 27/09/2024

The Opening Ceremony of the F.1 Mentoring Program was held on 25 September 2024 during Wednesday afternoon.  Forty-four F.3 student mentors and all F.1  students gathered in the School Hall to meet each other for the first time. 4D Lai Ho Yeung and 4D Ng Wing Tung, who were the Outstanding Mentors of 2023-24, shared with us their experience of being mentors last year.  After playing ice-breaking games, F.3 mentors and F.1 students sat together in small groups to chat and share more about their school life.

Before this event, the F.3 mentors attended a briefing and met their teachers who gave them guidelines and support in groups. They also had to receive training in a workshop conducted by the School Social Workers on how to take care of the F.1 students.

Later on, the mentors will also organize meetings with their mentees at school to develop their friendship, and help the new students solve their problems, especially in academic studies, making friends and participating in extra-curricular activities.

It is hoped that this mentoring program will help F.1 new students adapt to the secondary school life quickly with the help and guidance of their mentors.
