Student Association

SA Election 21-22

Acting as a bridge between the school and students, the SA (Student Association) plays a vital role and contributes to TSK by organising a wide array of activities for students to enrich their school life. The SA election was held on 6 October, 2021. Arcadia, the proposed SA cabinet gained 388 confidence votes and is elected as the SA for the academic year 2021-22. An inauguration ceremony was held in the following week. All committee members of Arcadia signed on the commitment sheet in the presence of the Principal, SA Advisors and Polaris committee members as witnesses. After receiving the badges from the Principal and handover of the SA stamp from Peter, President of Polaris to Daisy, President of Arcadia, this year’s SA has started a new chapter in SA history. Polaris had an active year last year. There were meaningful and amazing activities such as school tours for F.1 students, class photo-taking activity, meetings with the Principal and Fashion Show as well as the online detective game. They were also dedicated to providing a wide range of welfare and services to TSKers. Once again, a big thank you to Polaris and congratulations to Arcadia.